
10 Apps to Help You Keep Your Resolutions

The new year is fast approaching, and with it comes a slew of resolutions we will all struggle to keep. Whether you resolve to quit smoking, fall in love, or learn a new language, there’s an app for that.

Weight Loss

If your new year resolution is to shed some pounds, why don’t you try MyFitnessPal. With this app you can keep track of your health, no matter where you go. MyFitnessPal has a plethora of knowledge not only about calories, but other nutritional information as well. This app has a database of over 5 million foods, and you can even scan items in the grocery store to find out what you’re really buying as well as how it will affect your health.

Make Better Habits

With HabitBull you can manage your habits- good or bad. You can monitor your success at making or breaking your desired habit through the apps simple, user-friendly interface. Not only will you be able to log how much time you spend biting your nails, but you can also log things such as the number of drinks you’ve had, as well as how much time you spend in the gym.


There has been an increased interest in saving the planet this last year, and for good reason. But sometimes it can be difficult to do your part and recycle as often as you should. It can be challenging to know exactly what you can recycle, or to find the appropriate places to do this. To improve the frequency and effectiveness of your recycling, try using iRecycle. This app tells you where to find recycling centers, as well as what items can be disposed of and how to recycle them properly.

Learn a New Language

If your new year resolution is to learn a new language and increase your understanding of the way other communicate around the world, look no further than Duolingo. Duolingo is the Rosetta Stone of language learning apps, and it will help you keep track of all that you’ve learned in your virtual French, Spanish, Russian, or other language class. You can also join groups dedicated to speaking only in your desired language where you can practice. And if you’re not comfortable with this, you can chat with virtual friends, who will quickly have you saying “parlez vous pas Francais?”

Find Love

The dating app market has exploded in the last year or two, and it can be difficult to find someone who doesn’t have a Tinder or Bumble account. But we all know that love is not found through a dating app, it is found by speaking and getting to know other individuals. Welcome to 36 Questions– the icebreaker app sure to help you get over those first few awkward moments. With 36 Questions you and another person take turns answering questions meant to reveal your true character. The questions come in sets of three, and are meant to increase in difficulty- as well as intimacy- as you continue.

Travel More

We all wish that we could take time to travel the world, and now you can get your travel plans organized with the app ChatnbookChatnbook will help you check into hotels at your leisure. You are also able to set preferences such as the hotels rating, their wifi availability and more. You can make sure that you’ll have a place to stay as soon as you arrive, instead of having to worry about whether you and your bags might end up on the street. With all this stress taken off your shoulders, you can focus your attention elsewhere; like taking a walk to that hidden waterfall you’ve heard so much about.

Save Money

It seems like every year we find ourselves thinking of different ways we can cut expenses and build our saving accounts. Yet, we find ourselves in the same position year after year, meaning that there is no change in behavior. To assist you in your endeavors try using Digit. Digit will help you set goals and keep track of what you are spending. You can even transfer money to a savings account- a way to make sure you can afford that trip to Peru later this year.

Organize Your Life

If you are interested in organizing your hectic life, try Quip. With Quip you can create notes, lists, documents, spreadsheets and more- all from your mobile device. Not only is this app useful for home, but it is also great for organizing your work life. The simplicity of this app makes it more efficient than using email to communicate important information- and thus saves you time. Keep everything organized and under control, and even pair it to other devices if you need to.


We are a highly stressed society, so it is no surprise that many people resolve to relax more in the new year and stop stressing out so much. Something that might help you is meditation, and I know what you’re thinking, ‘I don’t plan on sitting in a foreign darkened room, legs crossed, repeating some sort of mantra for hours’. I’m here to say that you won’t have to. With Headspace you can learn the basics of meditation at your speed and in the comfort of your home- or wherever you’d like since it’s on your mobile device. This app will let you partner with another person to keep each other motivated, and works in 10-minute-long sessions. This is short enough that you could do it on your lunch break or even stuck in traffic- because you know that’s when you need it the most.

Be Happy

If your new year resolution is to be a more positive, upbeat person, consider Happify. With Happify you can shake off the gloom of the winter, and look on the brighter side of life. This app offers activities and games to boost your spirit, and may work as a little bit of a distraction as well. Sometimes you need to take your mind off of things that are bothering you, and with Happify, you can do just that.